Our Prayer Shawl and More Ministry meets every Tuesday from 9 am to 11 am in the rectory.
Do you know someone who would benefit from receiving a Prayer Shawl? These shawls are offered to people in need -- for reasons of illness, sorrow, grief, or distress of any kind. They can also be given in celebration, such as upon the birth of a child or a baptism.
For more information, please contact Connie Antolini at 508-844-3880, or call the parish office at 508-883-6726, Ext 3.
Our Prayer Shawl Ministers purchase the yarn they use to make prayer shawls and blankets. It costs more than $30 for materials for one blanket. If you would like to help by making a monetary donation to help offset the cost, please see a Prayer Shawl Ministry member or contact Toni in the Rectory. Thank You!